Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One Thing That I'm Really Good At Is.......

One thing I’m really good at is caring. I can say that just about anybody who walks into my life as a friend, boyfriend, sister, best friend, or pet! I care about I know that may sound weird but it’s just how I am. Now many of us assume that if we care about someone they care about us back when really that isn’t true. In my life I’ve had to deal with many people breaking my heart because they’ve told me that they don’t care about me. That is something you as a child would wish not to hear from someone close to you like your dad I know many of us today hear stories about kids getting neglected by their father and or mother, well that’s not fair. We didn’t choose to be born you had us so why not care about something that came from you? Well enough about that but that’s one thing I think I gained from my dad not doing towards me so I won’t let my kids go a day without them knowing I care. 

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